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- معجون الطماطم / رب البندورة
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- الشركات المشاركة
- الجهات الراعية والداعمة

United industrial investments company Dak Food
معجون الطماطم بتركيز 36 – 38
Product description:
-This product made from wholesome fresh ripe tomatoes.
-The fruit is washed crushed, and pre-heated according to the Hot Break procedure.
– It is sieved to eliminate peel and seeds.
– The resulting natural juice is concentrated until 36-38 Brix.
– The paste is then sterilized, cooled and conditioned aseptically into sterile bags, which ensure the microbiological and organoleptic stability of the product.
–Outer: rust free metallic drums.
–Inner: aseptic bags made of aluminum and polyethylene.
-All drums are on wooden pallets, (four drums on one wooden pallet)
Sensory characteristics:
–Appearance/ color: Uniform bright red, characteristic of mature tomatoes with no brownish discolor.
–Flavor: Characteristic of fresh tomato, fruity, with no bitterness or burnet taste.
–odour: Characteristic of fresh tomato, free from off odours.
–Texture: Firm consistency, without separation of clear liquid on standing. Homogenous without peels, seeds and foreign bodies.
Ingredients: -100% Tomatoes, (free of salt, preservatives and Industrial colorings)

DAK for canned food & food Industries.
The company production started in 2010 with the largest tomato paste production line in the Middle East, the Aseptic line, equipped with Italian technology, produces high-density tomato paste of 36-38 concentration packed in metal barrels, sterilized-sealed aseptic bags, that follows international packaging standards and according to precise sterilization processes to obtain a natural and high-quality product.
DAK Food produces the finest varieties of tomato paste, ketchup, fruit jams, pepper paste, canned vegetables such as green peas artichoke vine leaves truffle sweet corn and olives, in addition to virgin olive oil and cooking oil, as well as, a variety of sauces, natural extracts, concentrated juices, vinegars, pomegranate molasses, including oriental dishes such as Yalanji (stuffed grape leaves), Hummus (chickpeas spread), Foul (fava beans), Motabal, Makdous (stuffed eggplants), pickles in various sizes to meet local and international market’s needs.
DAK products are free from artificial flavors, colorants, preservatives or biologically modified ingredients, noting that all of our products are tested in company’s highly equipped laboratories by our quality experts to ensure a high-end final product.
Damascus, Syria